Week 10
Lourens Adrian Botha
Lourens Adrian Botha
Finding a new Direction:
The feedback we received Tutors and lecturers was more negatives than anything. They couldn’t see any link between the gamers and the input interaction. And overall could vision the concept and seemed to dislike the tail for a number of reasons. This left the group quite confused, and wondered if we had both presented clear or wether to carry on with this direction.
During the group discussions, I proposed abandoning the new context/ user
group and continue to develop the public place interaction concept from project
1 due to the grim future and limited options we have for the Tell- tale design.
However, even with all this confusion, the group still favoured the gaming
context and remain hopeful of the possibilities that could be developed to this
particular scenario. So the decision was made to stick with the context/
scenario, but the Tell- tale design was scrapped and the group started from
scratch. The group used probes to break down the different services steam offers
and narrowed down the user group to find links we can utilize.
Through the research probes the group aimed to discover:
- Metaphors through interaction
- connection of form
- habits
- needs
- latent needs
- priorities
- exiting trends and subcultures
Iteractive Puzzel Game
An interesting note, while consulting with the tutors, Leonardo gave some really
good advice as to confine our range and to narrow down a specific type of gamer
within the broad gaming context. Also to define steam and its meaning to the
I personally felt that this would narrow the target audience to much, but thought it would allso make it eaisier to design some meaningfull action input/output for our model.
Focussing on First Person Shooters.
The gaming
industry projects digital product behaviour like no other, therefore incorporating a
physical interactive product that relates back to this digital world may result in
everyday use outside of the gaming realm. As gamers have multiple sub categories ie;
first person shooters, MMORPG’s (massively multiplayer online role playing games),
strategy and action ect. It is important to target the specific user that will best be
suited toward this interactive product. Research into the chosen demographic of
computer gamers that of first person shooters, showed high levels of anxiety and
reactive sensory viewed as competition. By Designing a product that integrates these
factors the design will benifet the needs and existing problems for the chosen
Within the gaming
community reputation ultimately underpins your success. Based on status within
any given game, gamers will project the need to be valued due to accomplishments
or milestones reached. These Values and priorities form the online component for
gamers as they can reach this status behind a computer. When interacting in a
public arena social barriers are formed due to lack of face to face conversation
confidence. Current
accessories in the gaming industry are vital to the development for the product, due to
the stylistic and aesthetic approach. Through the use of a computer program ‘Steam’
refer to appendix 1, the concept was developed to tie this system into the physical
world and act as both a benefit system and social system.
Concept Ideation
Looking at small hand devices that specifically match the
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